Same same but different…

Time is strange. In some ways it feels like only a few weeks since I last posted here but dates don’t lie and in actuality it’s been years. Years! I’ve gotten a little older. Hopefully a little wiser. But definitely still the same book loving person I’ve always been. My tastes have changed. I find …


5 Unpopular Opinions (a literary edition)

Unpopular opinions. I think most of us have them. When we don’t agree with the majority of people with regards to a certain thing. I thought it might be fun to share some book related unpopular opinions I have.   I hated The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. Maybe I was too young …


Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in Australia!

It’s Tuesday! And that means it’s time to participate in the meme created by Broke and Bookish where bloggers share their top ten based on a given topic. Today’s Topic is: Ten Books Set Outside The US  I’m going to take this as an opportunity to give some love to some of my favourite Aussie based …


Six for Sunday: Bookfest Haul

Happy Sunday! I mentioned I was going to go to the Lifeline Bookfest this weekend and as usual – I came home with quite a haul. But surprisingly this time I walked away with no fiction books. I love going to Bookfest and seeing what they have on offer. And it’s always amazing when you …


13 Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Books!

Every now and then there are minor characters I wish the author would give us more of. Because they’re interesting, under appreciated or because I just loved them too much to want to leave them – there are a whole range of reason why I want these characters to have their own books. So here …


8 Signs You Might Be a Book Addict…

I don’t consider myself to be addicted to books. But apparently my sister thinks I might have a problem. She refuses to buy me books for my birthday or Christmas because she doesn’t want to enable me. Whilst the conversation was in jest and I’m sure she was joking (or at least I’m pretty sure), …


#LoveYA: Author Panels, Book Signings and so much more!

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to attend the #LoveYA event hosted by Brisbane City Council Library. This was a free event and part of the Brisbane Writer’s Festival. #LoveYA featured author panels, book signings, live music and poetry reading as well as a number of workshops by writers and artists. Whilst this event was …


The Never Ending Series… (a Discussion)

I love to read books in a series. I read a lot more books from series than stand-alones. And there’s a few reasons why. Having a story cross more than book gives more room for world building, character development and general awesomeness. Plus it gives me more time with the characters than just one single …


Book Summaries in Haiku?

I thought it might be fun to try to summarize 6 books I’ve read and reviewed recently in the form of a haiku. Three lines, seventeen syllables, and six summaries which (hopefully) make sense. Enjoy 🙂 The Minnow by Diana Sweeney A girl sans family Talks to fish, ghosts, Nan and her unborn – The Minnow. Spark …


Armchair BEA: Day 2 – Author Interaction

Hi there and welcome to my second post for the 2014 Armchair BEA. Armchair BEA is an online event held annually held at the same time as Book Expo America in New York. It’s a chance for bloggers who can’t attend the event to participate in an online convention. I participated in 2012 and enjoyed the …
