(Adventures on the High Seas): Oh Ship! by Lori A. Moore

(Adventures on the High Seas): Oh Ship! by Lori A. MooreOh Ship! by Lori A. Moore

Published by TATE PUB on January 26th 2016
Genres: Adventure, Special Interest, Travel
Pages: 134

Click here to buy the book from Amazon
Ship happens. Cruises can be quite the adventure within an adventure if you keep your eyes open and watch the little dramas that are going on among the several thousand passengers and crew members aboard the ship. Reading author Lori A. Moore's true tales of things that happen on the high seas will have you saying, "Oh Ship!" From stories of passengers pepper-spraying other passengers to grown men fighting over glass figurines of penguins, you'll laugh until your ribs hurt.

I’ve always loved the idea of cruise ships. And despite never having gone on one, I still love the idea of sailing away on a boat and visiting all sorts of exotic places.

And much like my love of cruise ships, I loved the concept of Lori A. Moore’s book Oh Ship: Tales of a Cruising Chick and Other Travel Adventures. An entire book (albeit only 134 pages) of all things cruise and adventure related? I couldn’t wait.

The book itself is an interesting read. Full of interesting little anecdotes from Lori’s extensive history of cruises with a travel tip in between each one. I loved the travel tips. They are practical and I can see myself using some of them in the future. Not just cruise specific tips, these would be handy for all travellers. The pictures included are fun and capture the holiday vibe.

Lori’s love of cruising and travel was evident throughout the book. This is a woman who loves to see the world and the people she meets along the way. And whilst I liked the idea behind this book, there were a few things which stopped me from really enjoying it.

I found Lori a little condescending at times. The way she comes across is as though she thinks non or newbie cruisers and travellers are somehow second class citizens. There was the assumption that if you don’t know ship etiquette then you are lacking. And I got the impression she doesn’t like younger or the “crypt-keeper ancient” type of passengers either.  Look – I may be over reacting. It’s clear from her stories that Lori has a sense of humour which you may or may not get. And I may be taking offence because I just didn’t pick up on the humour. But there was something about her writing about fellow passengers at times which felt like she did think she was better than them because of her extensive travel knowledge.

That said, this book isn’t meant to be taken too seriously. It’s a fun little book about the adventures one lady has had over the course of many holidays. She really loves cruising and I think that is the overall message I’ll take from Oh Ship.


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