Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Want at My Lunch Table


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week isTop Ten Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table

I’ve chosen to pick characters from 10 books which are all written by Australian authors. Thought I’d promote some of my favourite authors from here and show off some of their characters I’d love to eat lunch with!

1: Mycroft and Rachel from the Every Series by Ellie Marney – Okay, so I know I may talk about this series a lot but that’s because it’s fantastic. Murder, mysteries, some brilliant characters and set in Melbourne, Australia. I’d love to eat lunch with Mycroft and Rachel. I can just imagine how focused he would be on whatever was in his mind at the time.

Every Breath (Every #1)

2: Aurora Skye from The Aurora Skye series by Tara Eglington – If you ever want anyone to turn to for all the current gossip, Aurora Skye is your girl!

How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You (Aurora Skye #1)

3: Angelique and Veronica from Masquerade by Kylie Fornasier – They are both such fun. Angelique is another one who is sure to be up to date on all the current goings on around the place and Veronica has her own certain agendas which would be fun to try and get to the bottom of. I would love to chat with these girls over lunch.


4: Maggie & Quentin from Disruption series by Jessica Shirvington – Cause they’re awesome. And it would be interesting to see how they act in public… although I think we would have to lunch in my universe because I’m not sure M-Corp is for me!

Disruption (Disruption, #1)

5: Mr Ignatius Doyle & Scarlet Bell from the Jack Mason Adventures by Darrell Pitt – Both are eccentric. I can picture Mr Doyle as the somewhat off-beat history teacher. He’d be teaching his own personal version of events all the while snacking on coat cheese.

The Firebird Mystery

6: Sticks from The First Third by Will Kostakis – If you have not read this book yet, then you’re missing out on one of my favourite characters. Sticks is such a great supporting character that I half want him to have his own spinoff but at the same time worry that might ruin his brilliance. Who wouldn’t want to have lunch with Sticks?

The First Third

7: Elliot & Madeline from A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty – Their conversations would be bizarre. Elliot from the kingdom of Cello and Madeline from the real world… I can just picture how absurd it would all be… but in a brilliant kind of way.

A Corner of White (The Colours of Madeleine, #1)

8: Rafa & Gaby from The Rephaim series by Paula Weston – I just want to spend time with them.

Shadows (The Rephaim, #1)

9: Sabriel from the book of the same name by Garth Nix

Sabriel (The Old Kingdom, #1)

10: Yukiko from Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #1)


(+ all the characters from books by Melina Marchetta. Can you imagine how much fun people like Tara, Justine, Francesca etc. from Saving Francesca PLUS Josie and her gal pals from Looking for Alibrandi would be at lunch? It may be cheating but I want to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with these people!)


Which characters would you LOVE to sit with at lunch? Let me know! Happy Tuesday!

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  1. LOVING the Aussie focus there 🙂 I seriously have to read Masquerade! Like, soon 🙂 Also Stormdancer. Also A Corner of White (which I do actually own). I’m so excited for the sequel to Disruption, too…it’s, what, a November release?? Exciting 😀

  2. This list has made me want to read more Australian authors! I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know any of the characters on your list! Well done for such a unique list though.

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