Top Ten Tuesday: Over Used Cover Trends


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Cover Trends I Dislike…

I think by the time I’m annoyed by a persistent trend in covers – the trend is almost over anyway. There have been some I’ve liked, a lot that feel a little too prevalent. I don’t actually dislike any of these covers – on their own they are lovely. Some even really fit the series and I couldn’t think of anything better. But when you put them up against so many others which all seem to fit into the same trend – it’s a bit too much.

1. Covers featuring people’s backs… 

Cover Trends

Covers featured here from left to right (links take you to the book’s page on goodreads): 
Top Row: Die For Me | Reached | A Great and Terrible Beauty | Betrayed | Torment | Entwined | Dark Companion
Bottom Row: Until I Die | Fateful | Storm Glass | Hereafter | Jinx | Eve | Anna Dressed in Blood

2. Gorgeous gowns which usually have little to no relevance to the novel

Cover Trends2
Covers featured here from left to right (links take you to the book’s page on goodreads):
Illuminate | Shatter Me | Unearthly | Everneath | The Girl with the Steel Corset | Fallen | The Selection

3. Elegant dead or dying girl

Cover Trends3

Covers featured here from left to right (links take you to the book’s page on goodreads):
After Obsession | Haven | Frozen | The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer | The Dead-Tossed Waves | Abandon | Uninvited

4. People without heads/faces

Cover Trends4

Covers featured here from left to right (links take you to the book’s page on goodreads):
Blue Bloods | Intertwined | 13 Little Blue Envelopes | Need | I’d Tell You I Loved You But Then I’d Have To Kill You | The Summoning | City of Bones

Faces taking up most of the cover

Mostly black covers

Are there any cover trends you think have been over used? Any you adore and want to see more of?  

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  1. I also hate the headless/partial body covers, big poufy dresses, dying girls, and closeups on faces. Other dislikes include mouth and crotch closeups. Seriously, why?

  2. I’m not such a fan of the decapitation. It kind of…bothers me! I mean, headless people running around saving the world? Please. Just aim the camera a bit higher. 😉 I DO like pretty dresses, but I prefer when they mean something to the plot. Like Lilac actually wears the dress in These Broken Stars, and the dresses are a big deal in The Selection. But usually? It’s odd when the character wears a dress on the cover that she never wears in the book!
    My TTT!

  3. I don’t usually like dresses on covers, especially when they have nothing to do with the book. I’m sure there are some cases where dresses work well, but I can’t think of any =)

    I’m not sure how I feel about people without heads on covers. I like the covers for the Gallagher Girls series, but that might have more to do with the typography and the actual story. I can’t say I like any of the other covers you featured in the headless section though.

    Great post! Here’s my TTT

  4. I’m still on board with the backs of people but the cut off heads you’re showing are really awful! I like some where we only see a part of a person but those would definitely not make me want to read them! And the elegantly dying girl is just creepy! Great choices!

  5. Elegantly dying girls annoy me. Can’t you find any live cover models? Oh wait, that’s right, they all died by decapitation. No wonder. Hehe. Anyway, I agree with a lot of your dislikes. I do like pretty gowns, but it does annoy me when it’s only for the cover and the dresses aren’t related to the book at all.

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