Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I Can’t Wait For!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Sequels I Can’t Wait For!

I’m generally a fairly patient person. But there are some series that I love/hate/drive me so crazy that I can’t wait to read the next book! Here are ten of the books that I’m anxious to be released!

The Fiery Heart Dreams of Gods and Monsters The One Taste of Darkness

The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines #4) by Richelle Mead – I really enjoy this series. It’s fun and exciting and has just the right amount of romance. I’ve been wanting to read this book since I finished The Indigo Spell (despite the fact that I can’t stand the cover of TFH). I’ve got this one on pre-order which I do for all Richelle Mead books. She’s one of my auto-buy authors. Can’t wait to see why Sydney and Adrian get up to next! Only two weeks till this one is released!

Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #3) by Laini Taylor – I adored the first two books in this series. I have no idea what’s going to happen next and that’s one of the reasons why I’m so eager to read this book.

The One (The Selection #3) by Kiera Cass – This is a series I love to hate. The Bachelor is one of my guilty pleasures and this book is just like that for me. I don’t love any of the characters – most of them get on my nerves – but I just have to make it to the end to find out which one gets the final rose!

Throne of Glass #3 which as of yet is untitled by Sarah J Maas – This series is incredible. Possibly one of my all time favourite YA series. So I’m excited to see what happens next. IT should be pretty exciting.

Taste of Darkness (Healer #3) by Maria V Snyder – Not long to wait for this one! This is the only Maria V Snyder series I’ve read so far but I’m loving her writing. This book is the final in the trilogy and I have such high expectations of what’s to come. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed!

Cress Isla and the Happily Ever After World After

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer – Cinder and Scarlet were great. Not sure about Cress (I have to admit I don’t quite understand the title yet) but it should be a good read – especially if there’s more Captain Thorne!

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna #3) by Stephanie Perkins – I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this book. I’m curious to see just how this one goes since we already know Isla slightly from the first book.

Opposition (Lux #5) by Jennifer L Armentrout – I wasn’t a huge Katy/Daemon fan after the first few books but now I’m hooked. I don’t love where things went in Origin but I’m willing to stay somewhat open-minded because I’m sure the ending will be worthwhile in the end.

World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2)  by Susan Ee – I’m so cheating with this one. I haven’t finished Angelfall yet. I’m half way though it and I have to admit I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would.

The Arcana Chronicles #3 as of yet untitled by Kresley Cole – I loved Poison Princess and after reading Endless Knight a few weeks ago I’m so looking forward to the third novel. I have a feeling this is a series that’s going to make me fall in love and then hate and then love characters over and over again by the time she’s finished writing their stories. But I think that’s a great thing. Can’t wait to see the next ‘cards’ Evie meets and just how her romantic relationships develop. Eek! I know there’s going to be a VERY long time before this book comes out but I’m looking forward to it already.


That’s my top ten.  There are so many other books that I can’t wait to be released in series I love but these were the first ten that came to mind. Let me know which sequels you’re eagerly awaiting to read – be it ones that haven’t been released yet or ones you haven’t gotten around to reading yet. Happy Tuesday!

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  1. I’m so glad to see World After on here – I can’t even explain how excited I am for November 19th!!! And even though I’ve only read Anna and the French Kiss, and not Lola and the Boy Next Door, I’m super excited for Isla and the Happily Ever After too 🙂 Stephanie’s writing just makes my heart happy!

  2. We have a lot in common! I wish I got on with Angelfall as much as everyone else did. I want to be excited with everyone! I can’t wait for Cress or The One either. The One is my guilty pleasure…

  3. The comments I’m reading about The One on all the blogs are cracking me up. Everyone has the same feeling. The series is book crack and I’m not sure why I love it so much. The Elite almost gave me a nervous breakdown. HA

    My TTT List

  4. LOVE IT! I can’t wait for The One either, even if I didn’t really find myself liking either prequel. BUT STILL, I need to know what happens! As for Isla, I am definitely looking forward to more romance and more scenery and Anna and Etienne / Lola and Cricket returning and GAHH 2014 needs to come sooner!! The rest of these, I sure am going to look into 😉 Great list Kate <3

  5. I am SO excited for Cress! I also am really looking forward to Isla and the Happily Ever After (even the title’s cute) and The One (“love to hate” pretty much sums it up, but I’ve just got to know how it ends)! 🙂

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  6. Pingback: Monthly Wrap Up: November 2013 | whY.A.not?

  7. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read! | whY.A.not?

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