Top Ten Tuesday: Authors Who Deserve More Recognition!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

So here are some of my favourite authors who I think deserve more recognition.

A Corner of White (The Colours of Madeleine #1)Shadows (The Rephaim, #1)Between the LivesStormdancer (The Lotus War, #1)Saving FrancescaSpeechlessEleanor & ParkThe Summoning (Darkest Powers, #1)Poison Princess (The Arcana Chronicles, #1)Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight, #1)

Jaclyn Moriarty (Aussie Author!) – I’m currently working my way through her Ashbury/Brookfield series and I love her writing style. I’m also a huge fan of A Corner of White which is a bit more fantasy but still fantastic.

Paula Weston (Aussie Author!) – I didn’t know about Paula or her Rephaim series until a few months ago but I’m delighted that I discovered them. One of my all time favourite YA angel series.

Jessica Shirvington (Aussie Author!)- Between the Lives is one of the coolest concepts in a book I’ve read in a while. One girl who lives each day twice as two different people. How cool? And her Violet Eden series is pretty great too.

Jay Kristoff (Aussie Author!) – Just finished Stormdancer and I’m on a mission to pimp it. It’s great. Japanese Steampunk? How could you not want to read this book and push it onto all your nearest and dearest people?

Melina Marchetta (Aussie Author!) – Okay, so she’s getting to be a fairly big name but I’ve adored her books for over a decade now (yep… I read Looking for Alibrandi back in 1999…. and it’s been true love ever since)

Hannah Harrington – Fantastic realistic contemporary writer. Speechless and Saving June were both powerful and made me think.

Rainbow RowellEleanor and Park was such a beautiful novel. And her adult book, Attachments, was a fun read that I enjoyed despite my reservations about the ethical issues the main character seemed to ignore.

Kelley Armstrong – I loved her adult urban fantasy series, Women of the Otherworld and adore her YA series that are set in the same universe. The Darkest Powers trilogy is amazing.

Kresley Cole – This author is a must buy for me. She’s more known for her adult paranormal romance series, Immortals After Dark, but has started writing for the YA crowed with Poison Princess. I loved this book. So much.

Darynda Jones – Another that I love for her adult series (Charlie Davidson) but she also writes YA! I’ve read Death and the Girl Next Door and loved her transition to the younger audience.

That’s the top 10 authors that I think need more recognition. Read them! And even if you don’t like them as much as I do, at least then we can discuss them! 😀 Hope you all have a fantastic week!

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  1. Great list, I agree with you on Hannah Harrington! Thank you for the comment on my blog; I agree with you on Fallen, I think the series very quickly distinguished itself as it’s own and not as another Twilight remake.
    I hope you enjoy the Evernight books! The third one is exceptional, there’s also the last one called Afterlife and a spin-off called Balthazar that you might want to look into.
    I hope you enjoy your week too. 🙂

  2. I’ve been seeing Rainbow Rowell on quite many lists today. 🙂 I really want to read “Eleanor and Park” but first I need to find a copy.

    Good list!

    • I started reading it on a plane… and I can’t remember a single moment of that flight because I was so engrossed in my book. IF you do check it out, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Totally agree with Melina Marchetta! I love all of Kresley Cole’s adult reads, I haven’t tried Poison Princess yet. Rainbow Rowell and Darynda Jones’ books are sitting on my shelf waiting to be read so I’m stoked you mentioned these! I’ve tried DJ’s adult books but not her YA offering yet – I love the humour that rolls through her books!

    • I spent a whole day reading Kresley Cole’s newest Immortals after Dark novel last week… Macrieve. Oh I love her style. Poison Princess is must less romance and way more action. It’s different from her usual but I enjoyed it.
      Hope you like Rainbow Rowell and Darynda Jone’s YA book!

    • That’s dedication! I’m not a huge audiobook person. I find them really hard to get into. And I want to go faster! 😛

      Glad to find a US Jessica Shirvington fan!

  4. Oh I love Kelley Armstrong! Darynda Jones and Kresley Cole sound familiar, and their book sounds interesting too. I think I’ve heard of them before, just not remembered it 🙁 I really wanna read a Rainbow Rowell book as well. *sigh*

  5. Does Kelley Armstrong not get a lot of recognition? I thought she was pretty popular. I really enjoyed The Summoning, but the rest of the trilogy fell flat for me (especially the last book, which led to… the first book of another trilogy).

    I like how you did this post with the pictures. Makes me wish I had added some visual flair to my own list!

  6. Kelley Armstrong is a good choice! She deserves more recognition for her awesomeness. Great list! I just bought my first Rainbow Rowell book titled Attachments and I can’t wait to get reading.

    Love your blog! New BlogLovin follower. 🙂

    My TTT

  7. Such a great list! I’ve only read Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta but I LOVED it and I can’t wait to read more by her. I have Speechless on my shelf, waiting to be read, and I’m about to start Eleanor & Park today! I’ll have to check out some of these other authors, too! Thanks for stopping by my TTT! 😀

  8. Some of these covers I’ve seen before but never gave them a second look! Definitely will add them to my evergrowing TBR list! I really want to read Eleanor & Park! <3

    Here is my TTT post for this week!

    – Emma

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