Book Review: Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson

Title: Confessions of a Chalet Girl
Author: Lorraine Wilson
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Realistic Fiction 
Publisher: Harper Impulse
Publication Date: 27 June 2013 
Pages: 108
Rating: 2 stars

Synopsis (from goodreads):
Set in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Verbier, the winter playground of the rich and famous, Confessions of a Chalet Girl is a fun and flirty contemporary romance novella from the fabulous Lorraine Wilson.

The slopes seriously start to heat up when chalet girl Holly is propositioned by her sexy new boss!

My Review:

I love the idea of chalet girls. Maybe I have a bit of a romanticized view of them considering my only knowledge of them is from the Ed Westwick/Felicity Jones movie and a brief mention in one series of Ladette to Lady, but I love the idea of beautiful snow lodges and a ski vacation in exchange for some household chores… Okay – so my expectations of life of a Chalet girl and the reality is most likely completely off. Lucky for me, Lorraine Wilson seems to have similar expectations and this short glimpse into the life of Holly on her working holiday is just what I expected and was hoping for when I picked up this book to read.

Written with switching point-of-views, Confessions of a Chalet Girl tells the story of Holly, an English girl who is working in Switzerland as a chalet girl. After meeting him for the first time, she finds herself enthralled with her new boss – Scott. Scott is similarly enamoured with Holly and before they know it sparks are flying. But rowdy drunken rich boys, meddlesome co-workers and the pesky employer/employee imbalance of power is getting in the way of what just might be the best thing to happen to either one of them.

This book was a very quick read. At just over a hundred pages, there’s not a lot of time for character development and I think the plot falls down a little because of this. The relationship between Holly and Scott happens at a fast pace. There’s not much else going on in this book except for the romance between the leads. And the characters are inconsistent in their portrayals. Holly fluctuates between acting like a petty pre-teen and being a wanton sex goddess. And despite learning about him throughout the book, I felt like Scott was still a mystery to me in most ways by the time I finished the novel.

That said, this book was cute and a pleasant quick read. It’s very light and fluffy with a lot of romance.

Thanks to Harper Impulse and Netgalley for the digital review copy.

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