2013 Reading Challenges!

I have signed up for two reading challenges for 2013.

The first one I’ve signed up for is the Australian Woman Writers Challenge


From their site:
The Australian Women Writers Challenge began in 2012 for the National Year of Reading and will be continuing into 2013. It aims to support and promote writing by Australian women, and to help overcome the gender bias in literary review pages.

I’ve decided to sign up for the level of Miles – read 6 – review at least 4

For anyone looking for more information or to participate, you can find more from the following links:

The other challenge that I’ve decided to sign up for in 2013 is the Eclectic Reader Challenge hosted by Shelleyrae @ book’d out

This challenge is to try to get readers to branch out and read a book from twelve different genres over the course of the year.

The genres are:

  1. Translated fiction
  2. Historical mystery
  3. Romantic suspense
  4. Made into a movie
  5. New Adult
  6. Urban Fantasy
  7. Dystopian
  8. Memoir
  9. LGBT
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Humour
  12. Published in 2013

I’m excited about these challenges – I think I need a bit more structure to my reading and will be posting my reviews for each of the books I read on goodreads – the YA books will also be posted here on my blog.


  1. The Eclectic Reader Challenge looks fun. I’m still shopping around for my second challenge choice, told myself since its my first year participating I can only do two at most. THERE ARE SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM.

    Good luck! :]

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