Top Ten Tuesday: Books To Get in the Halloween Spirit

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

This week’s topic is: Top Ten Books To Get in the Halloween Spirit!

Halloween isn’t a very big thing down here – the most that happens in my life is some Simpson Halloween episodes being replayed and the very occasional trick-or-treater…. When they come to my house I give them the choice – a tin of tuna, a can of corn or a fifty cent piece. I just don’t have lollies at my house.

For this week’s list I’m going to mention ten of my favourite scary creatures and a book series or two that they appear in.

1. Vampires

I love vampires. Even when I was little I used to sleep with a scarf around my neck just in case… probably not the best idea in the sub-tropical climate but none-the-less I was never bitten by an evil bloodsucker so I consider it to be a success.

My favourite Vampire series are: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead; Lharmell series by Rhiannon Hart

2. Ghosts

Out of all the supernatural powers or creatures around, I think the one that I’d most like to be is that of a necromancer – someone who can communicate with ghosts. Both the main characters in my ghost series are kick-arse women who can take on the afterlife and somehow manage to come out on top.

The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot; The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong

3. Fae/Fairies

Fairies aren’t always as sweet and lovely as Peter Pan’s Tinkerbelle may have once made them appear… although considering I’ve never seen Peter Pan I may be mistaken… I’m just assuming she was sweet. But these next books feature fae who are more sinister than sweet.

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr; The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa

4. Trolls

Who knew that books about trolls could be interesting? And that some trolls live in castles – and not under bridges?

The Trylle series by Amanda Hocking

5. Zombies

I’m very new to zombies – I’d never seen a zombie movie until a few months ago – but I’ve started to understand the appeal. They’re really creepy!

The White Rabbit Chronicles by Gena Showalter; Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon

6. Mythology

Mythological creatures are some of the most creepy and scary – gods and goddesses with infinite powers; people with the ability to turn others to stone with a single look; incredible warriors who could defeat even the most powerful enemy in battle – thee are the kinds of people who I can’t help but love to read about.

The Mythos Academy series by Jennifer Estep; The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

7. Magic

Witches and Wizards and all sorts of other supernatural beings use magic and it’s an ability that I would love to have. Since I think I used Harry Potter in every top ten that I’ve participated in I won’t mention it for this week instead, my magic books are: the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare; The Witches by Roald Dahl

8. Demons/Angels

Wherever there are angels, demons never seem to be very far away – and in their own special way Angels are incredibly ferocious…

My angel book is Immortal City by Scott Speer. I can’t wait for the next book in the series to be released next year. These are some eerily beautiful but creepy angels

9. Dragons

I may not have read any YA dragon books but I’ve had the first three from the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini sitting on my shelves for a while… dragons are fantastically creepy and most certainly appropriate for my Halloween list.

10. Aliens

I love Aliens. From Alf – the Alien Life Form – to Superman, if they came from an other planet, I was in love. My two alien series are ones that I adore – the Roswell High series by Melinda Metz (which was a much better book than it was TV series although I did love a young Katherine Heigl as Izzy) and the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. 


And that’s ten! I love supernatural creatures 😛



  1. I like Alice in Wonderland stuff, but I’m put off by the fact that the White Rabbit Chronicles is written by Gena Showalter…

    • I can understand that. I bought a boxed set of the Atlantis series by her… I couldn’t even finish the first book. I ended up donating them to charity.

      • I had a friend who found her website (and I don’t know if it’s still up and still has this page), and she apparently had a page of pictures where she’d photoshopped herself into pictures with cute celebrities. I just…can’t get past that!

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