Book Review: Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead

Title: Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy #3)
Author: Richelle Mead
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Vampires, Magic, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Razorbill (an imprint of Penguin)
Publication Date: November 2008
Pages: 443
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis (from goodreads):
It’s springtime at St. Vladimir’s Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn’t been feeling quite right. She’s having dark thoughts, behaving erratically, and worst of all… might be seeing ghosts.

As Rose questions her sanity, new complications arise. Lissa has begun experimenting with her magic once more, their enemy Victor Dashkov might be set free, and Rose’s forbidden relationship with Dimitri is starting to heat up again. But when a deadly threat no one saw coming changes their entire world, Rose must put her own life on the line – and choose between the two people she loves most.

My Review:

Life is slowly getting back to normal after the Strigoi Spokane skirmish at the end of Frostbite. Lissa’s learning more about her abilities and Rose is just about to start the Field Experiment – the most important part of her guardian training. But things don’t go according to her plan and she’s less than happy with her assigned Moroi.

But as all dhampire guardians have been told since they were old enough to begin training, “Moroi come first Guardians [are] shadows.”

Combined with the stress of a trainer staged attack at any moment, Rose has to cope with her ever-changing bond to Lissa and the emotional fallout from the Strigoi attack as well as her strained secret forbidden romantic relationship and the criminal trial of a former Moroi royal.

I love these books. I love the characters and the adventure that each instalment of the Vampire Academy series takes me on. There’s so much that happens. Vampire politics makes more of an appearance in this book with the Queen trying to get Lissa under her wing and away from bad influences like Rose. More is revealed regarding the bond Rose and Lissa share as well as more ‘benefits’ from Rose shadow-kissed nature.

We got to see more of what everyday life is like for a Guardian – it seems a lot more boring than life at St Vladamir’s…. things there seem to be an adventure every day!

I felt like character wise Rose has both matured and slightly regressed since the end of the last novel. I don’t want to go into any spoilers but despite that I adore Rose. She’s strong and flawed but entertaining to read.

I’m so glad that I had the fourth book in the series, Blood Promise, because the end of this book just about killed me – I wouldn’t have been able to wait before finding out what happened next.

Shadow Kiss is my favourite book of this series so far. It’s exciting and romantic and frightening but fantastic all at the same time.


Purchase the novel from:

Amazon / Book Depository 


    • I know what you mean! I have the books and I see them on my shelves just taunting me! But I’ve promised myself that I’ll get all my uni work done first… sometimes it’s just not fair 😛

  1. I absolutely loved these books though I felt that some books in the series were better than others I believe they all kept a great standard and it was a pure joy reading them. I have no idea if you have read The House Of Night series but since you like Vampire academy I would certainly recommend that series to you as well.

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