Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

This week’s topic is: Bookish People – authors, bloggers, people who read… if they’re at all bookish then they’re allowed on the list.

I’m one of those people who have a list a mile long of authors they’d like to meet. After reading a book I’ve loved I often wish I had a chance to meet the author so I could assault them with all the questions I’ve accumulated whilst reading their novel. My questions are usually rather standard and I can usually find the answers online (because they’ve been asked a thousand times before) but I’d still love the chance to meet them and see what they’re like in person.

So my top ten YA authors that I want to meet are:

1. Richelle Mead (author of the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series)

2. Alexandra Adornetto (author of the Halo series) -She got her first book published at just 14 years of age… I’m sort of amazed by her.

3. J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series and soon to be released The Casual Vacancy) – I’m a huge Harry Potter fan… and that would explain why I’ve been a member of a HP role play site for over three years.

4. Meg Cabot (author of the Princess Diaries and Mediator series)

5. John Green (author of Our Fault Amongst the Stars) – Okay, so I’ve never read any of his books but I’ve seen his videos and have spoken to many nerdfighters and he seems hilarious.

6. Marissa Meyer (author of The Lunar Chronicles series)

7. Kelley Armstrong (author of the Darkest Powers trilogy) – Okay, so this one is sort of cheating because as much as I love her Darkest Powers trilogy, I adore her adult series, Women of the Otherworld. 

8. Brigid Kemmerer (author of the Elemental series) – she seems so incredibly lovely from her tweets and I’d love to know what was going to happen in Spirit.

9. Jaclyn Moriarty (author of A Corner of White) – I read this book a few weeks ago and adored it. I’d love to see the woman behind the story.

10. Melina Marchetta (author of the Lumatere Chronicles #1) – I met her once and she was fantastic. I’d love to see her speak again.


Okay, so there’s my list. It’s amazing how 80% of my list happen to be for authors that I’ve read in the past month… There are so many others that I’d love to meet but I think it’s probably for the best that I just leave it at 10.


  1. Cool list! JK Rowling, Meg Cabot, and John Green would be awesome to meet. Thanks for stopping by My TTT, I can’t believe they don’t have Reading Rainbow in Australia… they should!

  2. A lot of great choices on this list! I highly recommend starting with “Looking for Alaska” by John Green – it’s amazing! I watch his videos, too! Lots of good picks –
    Marissa Meyer should have been on mine, too. She seems great!

  3. I’m reading Spark right now by Brigid Kemmerer. It is hard to put down! In fact I’ve been slacking on my blog duties to read. And seriously, to meet JK Rowling. I would would just die!

  4. I’ve read Marchetta’s Saving Francesca by Moriarty’s Secret Assignments and Feeling Sorry for Celia. These books introduced me and made me love Australian YA Lit. And Marcus Zusak’s The Book Thief too. 🙂

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