Armchair BEA Day 4: Beyond Your Blog

This week is the annual BookExpo America in New York City. I’m thrilled to be taking part in Armchair BEA which is a virtual conference for book bloggers who can’t attend the actual event.

I’ve had a lot of fun this week – participating in a twitter chat and visiting so many amazing blog that I’d not known about until Armchair BEA.

Today’s daily post gave participants a choice of a few topics. They included writing about monetizing the blog or writing outside of blogging. Since I haven’t monetized since I started blogging I’ve decided to share “a fun aspect about your blog or life that may be completely separate from books.”

I mentioned in my day 1 post that I love to bake. Something else you didn’t know about me is that I LOVE to take photos. I’m pretty terrible at it but I love taking them. I love that my phone has a camera so no matter where I am I always have the ability to take a photo if I desire.

So today I’m going to share a few photos of mine. They’re nothing special but I like them all for various reasons.

This is a photo of the cake I made for my brother’s birthday. It was his 30th and my mother, sister and I thought it’d be a great idea to bake him a cake that showed he maybe getting older but no one is ever to old to enjoy Mickey Mouse 😛


I think my cat thinks he’s a book…


He’s a bit of an idiot….

The view of the sky from the last time I was in a plane. I’m not sure it’s possible to take a bad photo of the sky…

And some flowers that I’ve got sitting currently sitting on the kitchen table.


Thanks for visiting 🙂


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