Armchair BEA Day 2: Best of 2012

This week is the annual BookExpo America in New York City. I’m thrilled to be taking part in Armchair BEA which is a virtual conference for book bloggers who can’t attend the actual event.

Armchair BEA is a lot of fun with daily posts, twitter parties, giveaways and other things going on.

Today’s post focuses on 2012! I’m going to share some of my favourite books that have been published so far from 2012.

Favourites from 2012 


Cinder by Marissa Meyer

I was lucky enough to win a copy of this book in a giveaway – prior to that I wasn’t too excited about it. Cinderella is one of my least favourite fairytales. But this book surprised me. It’s interesting and fun and manages to stay true to the traditional story that I know whilst still offering something new and exciting.

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

I only ‘discovered’ Divergent earlier this year and in a way that was a good thing – it meant I didn’t have very long to wait in between reading the first book in the series and the second one being released. I’ve read a few reviews from people who were disappointed in the sequel but I enjoyed the fall out from the events in Divergent and how the characters and situation are developing.

Immortal City by Scott Speer

I think angels are the new vampires – there have been a lot of new angel books flooding the YA scene in recent months and Immortal City is one of them. This book wasn’t one of the best books I’ve read this year but I liked the concept and it’s only the first book in the series and I feel like there’s a lot of potential.


I may only blog about the young adult books I read but I love paranormal romance and urban fantasy books too. I wanted to share two of my favourite books from these genres as well. Since I don’t have reviews for these books I’ll link them to their goodreads pages.

Summoning the Night by Jenn Bennett

I loved the first book in the series, Kindling the Moon, and this book was just as good if not better. The world that Jenn Bennett has created is so complex and creative and yet not overly complicated so the reader doesn’t get lost amongst all the demons and magic. This book has action, romance, drama and one of the most adorable and likeable secondary character’s I’ve ever read about – Jupe.

Fair Game by Patricia Briggs

I’m a fan of all of Patricia Briggs’ novels and Fair Game is no exception. It’s the third instalment in the Alpha & Omega series and I was a little blown away by the ending. I don’t want to spoil anything if anyone’s planning on reading it but Briggs manages to write in such a way that I’m completely captivated by the story and I don’t see the plot twists and turns coming until they’re upon me. But everything that happens makes perfect sense and is right at home in the werewolf/vampire/fey world that she’s created. I loved this book.

Those are five of my favourites from this year. What are some of yours?


    • I’ve been doing the same thing…

      I’ve added 200+ books in the last two days! And whilst I know I’ll never read them all I think it’s great to know that there’ll always be books around that I want to read.

      I hope you enjoy Cinder and Divergent.

  1. I have to admit I haven’t read any of them yet! The first two are in my possession. I still need to get Immortal City, but each looks SO good.

  2. I’ve heard NOTHING but AMAZING things about Cinder which makes me kind of anxious to get it 🙂 I haven’t read Insurgent though 🙂 but some stalking I did says that 60% of the stalker-ees loved it even more than Divergent…we’ll see 🙂

    But I haven’t read ANY of these T_____T Fail… I’m saying that a lot in this day’s Armchair BEA posts 🙁

    Here’s my Best of 2012->

    • Not reading any of them isn’t fail. I think it’s a good thing. If anything strikes your fancy then you have some more books for the to-read list 😀 Armchair BEA is making my list put on a lot of weight! 😛

      • lol yeap, let’s all blame ABEA now!!! That way we don’t feel guilty for piling book after book 😀 hehehehehe

    • Thanks 🙂 It’s actually the default image that this theme came with and I haven’t changed it.

      I’m glad you’re enjoying Insurgent!

  3. One of my fellow Litbrarians read and loved Cinder and Insurgent is currently sitting on my nightstand, waiting to be devoured. Great list! I’ll have to check out a few on Goodreads.

    I hope you have a great BEA-filled week!

    ~Christina (and the other Book Hookup Litbrarians)
    The Book Hookup’s Best of 2012

    • I haven’t read Delirium yet! It’s on the to-read list. The more I hear about it the more I really want to read it. I think I’ll have to move it up the list.

  4. I have heard sooo much buzz about Insurgent and Divergent. I really need to pick them up.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog- nice to meet you & enjoy your ABea!

  5. I agree with everything you said about Cinder, it was amazing how creative and fresh it was for a retelling! Such a great book. And I think I’m the only one left in the world who hasn’t read Divergent/Insurgent yet, but I reaaaally need to get on that haha.

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

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