It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #2

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey. This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

What I Read Last Week?

I read a lot again last week. I love how I can read a whole book in one day- they are between 200-300 pages. The perfect number 😀

Shooting Stars by Allison Rushby
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
A Season of Transformation by Jayne Fordham
Blood Song by Rhiannon Hart
Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

The first four of those are all by Australian Authors. I had two 5 stars reads (one of which I knew I’d have because I loved it years ago and another one which was a bit of a pleasant surprise).

What I Plan to Read This Week:

I definitely plan on reading Insurgent this week (or possibly next week. In the near future for sure!). I’m really excited because I loved the first in the series and a little nervous that this one won’t stack up. But hopeful!

I bought three YA Paranormal books this week. – Blue Bloods; The Summoning; Marked. They were on special and I couldn’t help myself. So I expect to get around to reading them VERY soon.

I also started reading Immortal City! I love angels and reality TV so I have rather big expectations.

There’s so much paranormal on my blog I think I need to mix it up with some more contemporary reviews. Expect to read and review The List by Siobhan Vivian this week.


I don’t expect to read all six of these books. But I like this weekly meme because it gives me some order to my massive to-read list. This way I can sort of maintain it.


    • Me too! Even if I don’t achieve anything else in the day I feel like it wasn’t a waste! Thanks for checking out my post 🙂

    • I did. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. Now I just have to wait till the next one in the series is released. Thanks for commenting 🙂

  1. I love Morganville! I just picked up the latest one today! I also love Kelly Armstrong. I’m currently reading her Darkest Rising series. Insurgent will be happening soon for me too. Excellent books.

    • I’ve heard such great things about the Morganville series – I can’t wait to get up to the later books. At the moment I’ve only just finished number two. But I’m really liking where the series is going.

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